Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Don't Mess With Texas!

Well, we did mess with Texas--in a good way. Catching up with our dear friend Rhonda Meyer Vivian, her husband Patrick, and her parents Bob and Barb Meyer was a special treat. The town of Comfort where the Meyer's have a 20 acre ranch brought just that. Bob and Barb are more than just good people. They are saints for putting up with our crazy boys while Bill, Rhonda and I toured some local Hill Country wineries. I saw this donkey at a new winery. Bill says I can get one of my own.

We then hit the road to our next destination with 25 mph winds blowing us and our Travel Trailer along Hwy 10. She's quite a sight, isn't she? We made it to Big Bend National Park in southwest Texas to run the Rio Grande river in Boquillas Canyon. In a word, spectacular. Or should I say, poo. Burro poo, that is. Lots of it. And burros too. Have you ever been awakened by one of these creatures braying in the middle of the night? It sounds like a fog horn.

Oh and did I mention how hot and dry it is on the river? This is what my skin looked like (and still does).

It was an epic adventure replete with beautiful scenery, good food and lots of paddling. Plus some extra sights along the way.

1 comment:

  1. Be Warned: If you get a donkey, there's gonna be a lot of ass jokes!

    ...and then my daughter will complain yet again, "why can we....." :)
